Sorry I haven't been keeping you all as updated as I had hoped. Since it's hard to take all the animals with us on the road, and this is my first week of college, the Queen let me off the hook some.
To make up for it I will tell you all about the highlight of the trip!!!
Me showing the Royals around California!
The Bratt brought the family along:
They have been awesome for cooking and cleaning up after us!!
Dutchess had a name changing crisis during a particularly potent smoke and decided to go all out and get the full California make over. You can view the before and after pictures below:
The Queen said the boobs are a tax write off.
The Queen really wanted to see some celebrities and got more than what she bargained for:
Of course when you are celebrity watching you are bound to see some botched plastic surgery jobs,
which scared the silicone out of the Dutchess. So we had to take her back and get it all undone.
The girls would not leave me alone about meeting the Governator. (I might have name dropped in my royal vet resume) Thankfully they were particularly toasted one day and this tranny was nice enough to help me out!
Now I am sure you have all heard about Dear Willie going back to jail..... Well I am not EXACTLY sure on the details...And due to my gag order by the queen I am not allowed to say much... All I can allude to is Dutchess in California, Willie arrested for pot... Coincidence....I think not.
All we can really do is speculate... However this picture was from that night... And I am glad cause I thought I was hallucinating the bunnies and the Oompa Loompas.
Of course to get the best California experience you have to hit up the beach!
Next stop is to take the Dame to the Salon for a wax however!!
No worries....I made sure to impress upon them all how important sun screen is:
Seem like the driver of the booze bus may have gotten a little TOO into the beach
Despite all my warnings the princess refused to drink any water and the hooker got heat sick:
Last but not least I made sure they went to Disney Land while they were here:
Dutchess had a great time!
All in all everyone enjoyed themselves. I think it was the highlight of the trip!
No one wanted to go home... Not even ToTo.
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Show some love to the Princess Vet!!
Fuck with me and I'll send the Gators to tear your ass a new one.
You Bitches have been warned.