
Thursday, January 5, 2012

The New Ruler of OZ Bitches!!

Somewhere out there is a CuntBlister waking up from a cheap vodka hangover and a Royal ass beating. Once the reality of what has happened finally sinks in, she will slink away with her granny panties knotted up her ass.

This is the story of how the Royal Family took the Land of Oz from a worthless Ho.

Once upon a time The Royals had a princess who called her self a Trash Talking Bitch. She claimed she was all Royal and more. But the only thing she proved herself to be was a bitch through and through. And not the good "Love you Skank" type of bitch, but the "I will stab you in the back with a knife and take whatever I want" type of bitch. The type of bitch that you wish had parents smart enough to use a coat hanger when conception occurred.
She decided to take over ruling one of the Kingdom's belonging to the Royal family, the Kingdom of Oz. Had she told the Queen what she wanted, it would have been hers. But like a true cunt bitch, she took what she wanted and then got butt hurt when no one thought her cute anymore. We all saw her for the nasty back alley skank that she was, and tossed her fat ass out of the kingdom.
After taking what she wanted she ran away and hid, thinking she could come back as a changed person! Fob herself off on the world again, as a sweet and good natured book reader. She knew no one could possibly like her for who she is, so she had to pretend to be someone else.
But she couldn't even pull that off. Being the bitch that she is, she fucked over another Royal ONCE MORE, just to see her way to the top. And that's when the Kingdom of Oz rebelled. You see they happened to peak behind the brunette and her curtain and saw what she really was:
And they saw her evil plan to turn all of Oz into Zombie Strippers to take over the world:

Right away they flew in the Dutchess of Dorkville to negotiate a take over. After a few hours of begging and pleading to be taken out from under the thumb of the Fucktard Cunt Blister, and after promising fealty to the true Queendom, the Duchess was ready to take them back under the rule of the Royals.

But who would run Oz?
Once the Queen had the sign contract in her hand she knew it was time to grant me, the Princess Vet, My  own lands. Where else to have the Royal Zoo? The wonderful Land of Oz!!

The Flying Monkeys were so happy for a new leader!

They got so tired of being used and abused by a Cunt Blister for her every whim.

Next thing I knew... The Queendom of Oz sent a house to land on top of the Cunt Blister!
And they gave me her shoes as a welcome home present!!

It's sad that someone who had so much promise decided to become a bitch for evil. But now she will remain as a bed time story for our children. To remind them of what happens when you mess with the Royals!

We make sure everyone sees your true side!

I am happily getting the Queendom of Oz back into shape. I love it here! But it's not my home. I still reside with the Queen whenever I can get away from all of the demands of the Royal Zoo.


  1. You have done good by little Princess. You will soon have Oz, up and running. Flying monkeys returned to PWT where they belong, and a rainbow of skittles arching over the mighty Queendom of Oz. We all love you so much and are so happy you have your own lands. Do with it as you please. Leave the back gate open.. sometimes I need to get away from these Hookers and get some rest...

  2. We are so proud. The Queen is very happy tonight, and you know what that means. Bonus time!!!!

  3. I may flash a boob now and again, but I never beg. I just bring brownies. Enjoy Oz, we love you

    I might just have to make a present for our new Princess!! One where she can enjoy the rainbow in Oz!


Show some love to the Princess Vet!!
Fuck with me and I'll send the Gators to tear your ass a new one.
You Bitches have been warned.